Mysteries of Judaism by Israel Drazin
Gefen (2014)
ISBN: 978-9652296511
Review: Mysteries of Judaism by Israel Drazin
“Mysteries of Judaism,” prolific author Rabbi Dr. Israel Drazin uncovers
fascinating aspects of Jewish holidays, beliefs, and attitudes. Brims with deep
and wide knowledge of Torah, Mishnah, Talmud and later Jewish writings, Dr.
Drazin’s conversational style offers a frank and readable discussion of
otherwise complex—and possibly troubling—subjects.
of Judaism” is divided into three parts: The evolving nature of each of the
Jewish holidays from biblical times to today, the gradual transformation of
Jewish laws, beliefs, and customs under succeeding rabbinical generations, and the
onerous regression of the Jewish woman’s role and status under rabbinical laws.
seminal work tackles a fundamental yet seldom discussed phenomenon in Jewish
life – the continuing process of substantive change that had lasted from
antiquity through modern times. In clear and dispassionate detail this book
shows that observant Jews today practice a massive set of religious laws that
were not, as many would believe, handed down by God on Mount Sinai, and were not,
as most rabbis would insist, wholly rooted in the Holy Torah of biblical times;
rather, Orthodox Judaism of today is an amalgamation of rules and regulations
that have accumulated over centuries through rabbinical creativity.
some of the ideas presented in this book might appear radical at first, the
author’s breadth of knowledge allows him to substantiate each contention in
unassailable traditional Jewish sources. As the author of a series of books
covering the widely accepted “Onkelos” interpretation of the Torah, as well as
an expansive, multi-volume study of Maimonides, Rabbi Dr. Drazin is uniquely
positioned in both skills and knowledge to take on the challenge of uncovering
the “Mysteries of Judaism.”
summary, this highly credible scholarly work is easy to read, thoroughly
interesting, and genuinely thought provoking.
Avraham Azrieli writes novels and screenplays.